Thursday, March 1, 2012

if you don't work, ya don't eat

  I was very disappointed while i was at work to know of a certain patron who was trying to get our holidays cut that we only were only suppose to be open everyday except Christmas....... being that they was Christain person I was was are you serious?  I go to church on Sunday...and teach the secondary class. Sunday is my time to renew and refuel with the word. After the trials and hell and high water  I NEED  the word to keeps me going. Being that this a small southern town  not a big huge city  I think by being open 6 days a week from 9-6  are great hrs. I really angered when the the person (s) who really wanted this to come to pass  reason was "y'all need to be open on Christmas eve just in case somebody MIGHT want a job.... keyword being MIGHT.  The word is called accountability   If they  don't come in during the Normal  hrs of 9-6 m-s they really don't want a job. When you are in school and the teacher tell you, your paper is due in 3 weeks you can get mad with the library cause YOU failed to go when it was open. YOU failed to get all of your work done. The biggest pet peeve everyone who is gun-ho for this play to open 24-7 is people who don't have a job.  How can someone who doesn't have a job  get to in charge of how someone who has been working 20+years send their holiday?  Don't you have family you spend time with?  maybe not. I feel bad for you but to take someones blessing and turning into a curse can't be good.  People who ARE trying to get a job can't, they have to wait on a computer because Y'all have there all day I mean be in the parking lot before people who work here have to clock in. before 8am!! The reason to hustle money from person who has been dead for 5+ years cause you say he your brother! DNA proved  y'all are even from the same family tree kin. Get your life together Don't take money out someone pocket but to line your own. Go to work get a job and leave hardworking people alone.